Sunday, July 20, 2014

Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Recently, there was a Letter to the Editor regarding The Women’s Help Center in Baton Rouge near Southern University, and their attempts at helping women with unplanned pregnancies.  With all due respect to the writer, this center is not everything he depicted in his letter.  Let me explain.

The Women’s Help Center – and others like it – are known as Crisis Pregnancy Centers.  They are run by anti-choice groups, and they use deceptive techniques to get women in there so they can shame them out of an abortion.  These centers are not clinics, yet the receptionist is not allowed to tell you that over the phone.  Second, they always tell the caller that she needs to come in for a pregnancy test, even if she already knows she’s pregnant, because over-the-counter pregnancy tests “are unreliable,” which is not true (they are 99% effective).  In short, their main goal is to get the patient into the clinic, and keep her pregnant.  They use “statistics” – like saying that abortions cause breast cancer, which is untrue, and films, all in an attempt to shame the woman.  Some women even have problems when they try to leave these places.
Time after time, only two things have been shown to reduce the teen birth rate and the abortion rate – comprehensive, medically-accurate sex education, and easy access to birth control.  Unfortunately, anti-choicers are opposed to these things, which is why, in conservative states like Louisiana, there are more teen pregnancies and abortions than in the “blue” states.

 If you are pregnant and wish to keep your baby or put it up for adoption, these crisis pregnancy centers are not a bad idea.  They do have some good qualities.  However, if you wish to get accurate information on all of your options, and you are even considering an abortion, stay away from them at all costs.  Their deceptive actions aren’t going away, but they should at least be recognized.

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